
We strive to identify, name and remove as many barriers as possible. If you notice a barrier that we have not yet considered, or if we can provide support during your visit, please contact us at

Production-specific barriers

We point out possible content-related barriers, such as the language used or the thematization of violence, as well as possible technical barriers, such as the use of fog or strobe effects in respective productions.

Eskalation interdit: In dieser Inszenierung wird Suizid auf sprachlicher Ebene thematisiert. Es kommt Nacktheit vor. In einigen Szenen gibt es laute Musik und es sind Explosionsgeräusche zu hören.

UNWALLING THE WALL: Diese Inszenierung thematisiert Krieg, Gewalt, Tod und Zerstörung auf sprachlicher, darstellerischer und audiovisueller Ebene. Es kommt Stroboskoplicht zum Einsatz.

In the auditorium

In the auditoriums at Kabelwerk and Petersplatz, stands are typically set up which are accessible via steps. There are chairs without armrests in the stands. Some productions may have a different seating arrangement; this is marked accordingly for the respective productions.

There is no tactile guidance system for blind and visually impaired people at either venue.

With the exception of guide dogs for the blind and assistance dogs as defined in §32 of the Vienna Event Venues Act, animals are not permitted.

No inductive hearing systems are available at either venue.

There are no quiet rooms available at either venue.

Spatial accessibility

The two venues of Theater am Werk have different spatial barriers. Further information can be found here in German:


If you have any questions, please contact us at